Rabu, 30 November 2016

Gastric Cut Crop Solutions Weight Could Be Bad

Gastric Cut Crop Solutions Weight Could Be Bad
                        JAKARTA,  Obesity or overweight is not just a matter of appearance. Moreover, obesity may increase the risk of various diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.
To live more healthy, obese individuals should attempt to lose weight. Weight loss can be done by eating a nutritionally balanced taste, reduce fatty foods and regular physical activity.
However, for some people with obesity, undergoing a healthy diet and exercise has never impervious to lose weight significantly. Overcoming it, bariatric surgery may be an option obese individuals who failed diet.
Gastrointestinal surgeon, Errawan Wiradisuria, disclose, bariatric surgery is the most widely performed laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG).
"" LSG's operations the most simple and secure, by cutting the stomach of the patient. So, if he already sports, baseball has been dieting all sorts of down-down weight, we could do the surgery, ' "said Errawan in discussions at Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta, Tuesday (07/06/2016).
This operation will cut the stomach to only 25 percent. With a smaller stomach size, patients will automatically mengasup less food for full faster.
Errawan told, there are patients who weigh 148 kg has dropped to 85 kg after surgery LSG.
"" Within 12 months, the weight can be decreased as much as 50-80 percent, '' said Errawan.
This operation uses techniques laparoscopic or minimally invasive surgery. Cutting the hull was not done by cutting open the abdomen, but only make a small hole in the abdomen. The surgeon will make a 3-5 hole in the patient's stomach.
The surgeon uses a stapler, which is a tool used for cutting as well sew or glue with a titanium hull. The rest of the hull that is not used will be issued in one of the small holes.
"" So, one of the holes will be brought up to a size of about 5 cm in order to get the rest of the stomach, ' "said the doctor who practices at Digestive Clinic Hospital Kebon Jeruk Siloam this.
Operation takes about three hours, starting from preparation to completion. With the lack of incision in the abdomen, the patient had been able to return home five days later after surgery.

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Senin, 07 November 2016

7 Tips Lose Weight in Fasting Month - Comp

7 Tips Lose Weight in Fasting Month - Comp
Fasting during Ramadan is the right moment to make the body more healthy and lose weight excess.
If you want to benefit from healthy while fasting, sahurlah with nutritionally balanced meals. Fasting When breaking any event should not be a revenge for all you can eat.
Here are 7 tips to lose weight during Ramadan as quoted from Boldsky.com:
1. Avoid fatty foods tinggiAsupan food greatly affects weight loss. Make sure the meal with a menu of healthy and nutritionally balanced. Avoid foods that are too spicy, greasy or fried foods containing high fat. Expand to eat vegetables and fruits.
2. Do not miss eating sahurIngin lose weight does not mean skipping the meal for the stamina for 12 hours of fasting and body stay energized. Skip the pre-dawn meal can actually slow down your metabolism and lose body fat burning.
3. Do less cairanPastikan Fasting when the body does not dehydrate. Consume plenty of water and fruit juices. If the body is well hydrated, your metabolism is also better so that helps with weight loss.
4. High in fiber and protein Eat foods that are high in fiber and protein, especially during fasting. Protein, healthy fats, and fiber can help the body's metabolism to burn calories throughout the night. When dawn should also consume foods high in fiber and protein that makes feel full longer.
5. Do activities fisikPuasa is no time for lazing though it sometimes feels limp body. Make physical activity ranging from mild to moderate, such as walking, sit-ups and squats. The combination of healthy food intake and physical activity can accelerate the weight loss process.
6. Reduce food manisMelihat sugary foods or high sugar is lucrative. Perhaps it is hard to avoid the delicious sweets. But remember, if you want to lose weight, avoid foods high in sugar. If you want to be healthier, better consumption of fruits or juices that provide natural sweetness.
7. Hold the appetite berlebihHidangan break their fasting until Lebaran arrived usually full of delicious food. Take control of your appetite. Do not overeat and remember intention to lose weight healthy.
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Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Diabetes, Mother of Disease


Diabetes, Mother of Disease

Beberapa pasien diabetes dengan kata lain kencing manis ini jangan sampai sangat berasumsi remeh penyakit yang satu ini, lantaran nyatanya tanpa ada Anda kira penyakit ini menaruh sejuta surprise! Tahukah Anda kalau si manis ini adalah mother of disease ibu dari semua penyakit? Karenanya ada diabetes, Anda dapat menanggung derita kelainan beragam jenis organ badan, dari mata, jantung, lambung, hati, ginjal, kulit hingga kaki, kata dr. Candra Wibowo, Sp. PD dari Mitra International Hospital Jatinegara, Jakarta. Dokter Candra menjelaskan, diabetes dapat mengakibatkan aliran pembuluh darah jadi kurang baik yang menyebabkan pada rusaknya organ dalam mata dari retina yang dimaksud retinopati diabetik serta mengakibatkan kebutaan perlahanlahan, sampai rusaknya pada lensa seperti katarak. Pergantian metabolisme sel susunan dalam pembuluh darah dapat juga mengakibatkan aliran darah kurang baik serta jadi kaku (tak elastis). Mengakibatkan organ-organ yang perlu dialiri darah jadi kekurangan nutrisi serta oksigen. Hal semacam ini dapat mengakibatkan munculnya serangan jantung koroner, stroke serta luka yang sulit pulih. Permasalahan kesehatan lain yang sering dihadapi pasien diabetes (diabetesi) yaitu gastropati diabetik dengan tanda-tanda perasaan kembung, begah, serta cepat kenyang. Beberapa diabetesi juga kerapkali tampak makin kurus. Hal semacam ini berlangsung lantaran badan perlu semakin banyak insulin lantaran insulin yang ada pada badan cuma dipakai separuh akibat ketidakefesieanan reseptor atau umum dimaksud resitensi insulin. diabetes juga mengakibatkan kebocoran protein di ginjal, yang menyebabkan tidak berhasil ginjal dimana seorang membutuhkan therapy pengganti ginjal, seperti bersihkan darah, bersihkan rongga perut, atau cangkok ginjal. Komplikasi lain yang mungkin saja dihadapi diabetesi adalahkaki diabetik. Komplikasi ini berlangsung lantaran terjadinya rusaknya saraf, pasien tidak bisa membedakan suhu panas serta dingin, rasa sakit juga menyusut.  Saat diabetes telah lama serta tak termonitor, aliran pembuluh darah kita tidak sering hingga ke ujungujung badan, termasuk juga jari kaki, tangan, ujung rambut sampai penis. Dari situ bila alami luka di kaki atau tangan bakal susah pulih lantaran aliran darah yang berikan makanan tidaklah sampai ke ujung jari kaki atau tangan itu. Untuk rambut bahkan juga dapat mengakibatkan alopesia atau kebotakan serta untuk lakilaki, dapat berlangsung disfungsi ereksi, tutur dokter Candra.  Oleh karenanya kontrol dengan teratur gula darah Anda lewat cara teratur olahraga serta lakukan diet. Diluar itu jauhi semuanya kelainan yang mungkin saja meneror anda di hari esok hingga kwalitas hidup Anda semakin lebih baik walau Anda pasien diabetes. dr. Intan Airlina Febiliawanti

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Cara Food Combining, Rahasia Frisca Berhasil Turunkan Berat Badan 14 Kg


Cara Food Combining, Rahasia Frisca Berhasil Turunkan Berat Badan 14 Kg

 Jakarta - Hasrat Sonta Frisca Manalu (36) untuk jadi langsing bermula dari cerita cinta yg tidak selesai bahagia. Nah, di dalam kesedihannya itu ia mulai berkemauan untuk langsing. Cara food combining juga jadi pilihan caranya. Ya, dengan berkelanjutan mengaplikasikan food comibining, ia sukses menurunkan berat Badannya yang awal mulanya 68 kg jadi 54 kg kurun waktu satu tahun. Tersebut cerita diet Frisca seperti disibakkan pada detikHealth, Rabu (17/9/2014) : Saya menginginkan jadi langsing awalannya lantaran cerita cinta yg tidak selesai bahagia. Nah, di dalam rasa sedih itu saya berupaya memikirkan positif serta menginginkan jadi orang yang tambah baik dalam segalanya. Saya juga mulai berkemauan untuk langsing. Kebetulan sekali ketika yang sama, saya di beri pekerjaan untuk meliput seminar yang dikerjakan oleh komune ibu menyusui 'Mama Perah'. Disana saya berjumpa dengan Wied Harry, seseorang pakar gizi sekalian penggiat food combining. Sejak saat itu, saya mulai ikuti cara Wied Harry, meskipun tak murni seutuhnya. Terdapat banyak modifikasi yang saya bikin sendiri. Saya makan lima kali dalam satu hari, yakni sarapan, makanan ringan time, makan siang, makanan ringan time serta makan malam. Di waktu sarapan saya konsumsi cuma buah-buahan, baik itu buah potong ataupun berbentuk juice tanpa ada gula. Terlebih dulu saya membiasakan untuk minum 2 gelas besar air putih. Saya tetaplah makan siang serta makan malam seperti umum, tetapi komposisinya beralih. Saya cuma mengambil 1/4 jumlah nasi, 1/4 jumlah lauk, serta 1/2 jumlah sayur. Bila masihlah merasa lapar, saya lebih lagi sayurannya. Untuk makanan ringan sore, ketentuan saya tidaklah terlalu ketat serta bahkan juga sesekali saya makan gorengan. Sesekali menyembuhkan rasa kangen tidak apa-apa, tetapi yang butuh diingat janganlah sangat banyak konsumsi makanan berlemak seperti itu. Jadi dapat pula gunakan buah atau kacang-kacangan untuk makanan ringan. Yang tentu, saya sekalipun tak minuman bersoda serta yang lain, terkecuali minum air putih serta teh hijau sesudah makan siang. Sugar is big no no buat saya. Badan harus juga semakin banyak bergerak. Minimum 3 kali sepekan, semasing 30 menit saya joging, aerobik serta menari. Saya juga mulai jalan semakin banyak serta lebih pilih lakukan pekerjaan rumah sendiri bila ada saat. Awalannya tinggi Badan saya 158 cm serta berat Badan saya 68 kg. Saya baru sadar berat Badan turun saat berjumpa seseorang rekan waktu reuni di Bali, yang katakan bila pipi saya lebih tirus. Mulai sejak waktu itu, banyak rekan serta saudara yang menyampaikan juga kalau saya tambah lebih langsing. Dalam satu tahun keseluruhan saya bisa menurunkan bobot 14 kg. (ajg/vta)

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Breakfast 2 Kali One day to So Key Weight Loss


Breakfast 2 Kali One day to So Key Weight Loss


Jakarta, If you have a habit of forgetting breakfast with the intention that can lose Agency, so we recommend that you change the routine. Studies even reveal if breakfast 2 x one day help lose Agency. So conveyed by researchers from Yale and the University of Connecticut, as taken from the Daily Mail, Tuesday (31/05/2016). According to researchers, start the morning with consumption lightly to start your metabolism work, then most of the time and then consume other consumption slightly heavier. The objective of this so that you remain satisfied until it was time for lunch. Must be hard for some people to start eating after waking. Therefore, I think this double breakfast can help, said Gabrielle Maston nutrition experts. Read also: It's that Lasts When You Got Brushing habits Immediately After MakanMaston recommend you consume consumption lightly when I wake up like a protein shake, yoghurt, a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts. Area 9 or 10, you can consume more heavy consumption such as proteins, eg eggs, porridge or avocado. According to a study carried out on 600 children of school age throughout the two years. This, children who eat breakfast weigh 2 x Body stable, just as children who ate breakfast only once. On the other hand, children who do not often have breakfast even more at risk of severe natural superiority Agency. However, Maston advised that alert you to understand the meaning of breakfast 2 x it. Never then you consume heavy meals 2 x, because the risk is even a strenuous hike Agency. Double breakfast can actually help stop the desire for excessive snacking, yet it is done by way of caution. Consumption must not lightly taken good that makes you truly excessive satiety, Maston message. Read also: Healthy Sounds, Consumption It has not definitely 'Safe' for Central Those Diet (ajg / vit)


Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Very Often Exercise, Lose Weight So to Hampered

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Very Often Exercise, Lose Weight So to Hampered


Jakarta, Regular exercise has a variety of benefits for health, but if an agency wants to lose weight, researchers recommend good exercise is done not very intense. The argument because if the exercise load is high so the body can adjust to the calories burned so much less. A study done by Herman Pontzer of the City University of New York and his team found that people who physically bustle average middle burn 200 calories more than those who are lazy to move. But in people with high physical busyness, their average calorie burn with people whose activities center. Why does this kind of thing can take place mentioned by Pontzer is still not bright. Researchers have theorized that because generally the actual calories used to drive the benefits of the cells, so when there is a high activity lasting efficiency. Read also: Often Sweet Food Cravings? Try Eliminating the BerjalanJadi we Think that our time increasingly active so the body will adapt. Power used to the bustle of the cells is reduced so that there is room for discharging a flurry physically, said Pontzer like taken LiveScience on Wednesday (02/03/2016). The study, published in the journal Current Biology see power expenditure data from 332 people in the age range of 25-45 years .. Some research participants are involved there from Ghana, South Africa, Seychelles, Jamaica, to the United States. Some hunters Hadza tribe they are so active, walking long distances for a day and a lot of physical activity. But even so we found that they have the same spending power as well with some people more enjoy life style in the United States and Europe, said Pontzer. Pontzer deliver major exercise remains to be done. It's just that this kind of thing relates to the problem of weight loss is indeed a good agency not only entrust the exercise but also a balanced diet. Read also: Mana More Efficient Way To Burn Calories: Walking or Running? (Fds / vit)


Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Intip Diet Berlebihan ala Taylor Swift

Intip Diet Berlebihan ala Taylor Swift      
    Jakarta Mulai sejak jadi seseorang superstarpenyanyi Taylor Swift makin kurus. Pengagum serta pakar gizi bahkan juga memberi peringatan pada dianya lewat sosial media. Dengan tinggi sekitaran 178 cm beberapa pakar memprediksi berat wanita asal Pennsylvania Amerika Serikat ini cuma 50 kg.   
Dailymail melaporkan     Swift mengaplikasikan diet bebas gluten seperti selebriti dunia yang lain. Dia juga mulai pergi ke tempat gym dengan pelatih Tracy Anderson. Diprediksikan  dia lakukan diet berlebihan dengan konsumsi makanan cuma 500 kalori sehari-hari. Healthyceleb Selasa (2/6/2015) juga membuka bagaimana pola hidup palantun lagu Bad Blood ini pada wartawan. Tersebut penjelasannya : 
Baca Juga 
18 Panduan Tepat untuk Turunkan Berat Tubuh 
Makan Cokelat Setiap Hari Buat Badan Wanita Ini Seksi    
6 Langkah Peroleh Badan Seksi serta Langsing ala Rosie Huntington  
Latihan cardio sejam       
Tak perduli dimana dia ada Swift rajin lakukan latihan cardio sepanjang satu jam.    
Banyak berkeringat  
Yakin atau tak     Swift begitu sukai berkeringat. Dia yakin   toksin serta lemak dapat luruh lewat keringat. 1 dari 3 halaman    
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Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Criminologists UI Police Have Strong Evidence Mirna Death Cases

Criminologists UI Police Have Strong Evidence Mirna Death Cases
 The case of the death of Mirna Salihin who died after drinking coffee is the public attention. Police set Jessica Kumala Wongso as a suspect in the death of Mirna. Determination of Jessica as a suspect conducted on Saturday.
According to the expert criminologist University of Indonesia, Hendri Tri Yogo, the police have had the ultimate weapon for this case.
Actually, the police have strong evidence. Baseball and the police need to show proof to the results of the public, later in the trial. Not only cctv but also the expert witness. So not only one variant. Essentially all will be clearly demonstrated in court. Jessica Is it done or not, said the man who is familiarly called this Yogo saa
, Monday, February 1, 2016.
This case raises a number of speculations. One of them is the news that said Jessica psychopath. Yogo explained, should not be carelessly judge of character.
Specifies a character or psychiatric disorders should be very caution. We can not look like that (invisible), there should be a test of police and a team of experts (psychologists), he said.
As is known, Mirna Salihin, flawless woman died after drinking coffee at a café in Central Jakarta some time ago.
Later known, coffee drunk newlyweds appeared to have mixed the cyanide, which is one of the harmful toxins.
Shortly after the case became public spotlight, the police finally set Jessica, a friend in college Mirna as a suspect. He was arrested at a hotel in the area of ​​Mangga Dua, Jakarta, when she was staying with her parents. The case is still under investigation Polda Metro Jaya.

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Diet Water To Help Lose Weight

Diet Water To Help Lose Weight
Diet water is still the choice of many dieters to help you lose weight. The white water contains zero calories so it is good for the body. White water many benefits for the body, which are to maintain freshness, aid digestion and remove toxins.

But many are misguided about the diet of water. Many people assume that just by drinking water without consuming any other food can lose weight, this is wrong. Consumption of other food is still needed as a source of energy and other bodily needs.

Diet Water

How to Perform a Water Diet

1. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day. By regularly consume 8 glasses of water every day to help kidneys and liver work. In addition, to make the body's metabolism is maintained so that it will maintain stable weight.

2. Drink two glasses of water before meals. Two glasses of water before a meal can lead to full effect. So you will not excessive eating.

How Effective Diet Water To Lose Weight?
That water is the best fluid to drink to hydrate the body. However, if only drink water only, calories burned is not enough to be able to lose weight.

As quoted liputan6.com, when lack of energy, the body breaks down
 of sugar, fat and protein in the body. Indeed, the fat will be broken
but it can be fatal. White water diet that one can cause hypoglycemia, seizures and coma.

Of course you have to replace a healthy lifestyle with exercise and eating a variety of weight-loss diet such as vegetables and fruits, brown rice, beans and others.

One sport that is very effective for burning body fat is cardio exercises like running, brisk walking, swimming, cycling and aerobics.

Healthy diet
A good diet is a healthy diet with the nutrients still consume a wide variety of complex carbohydrates for energy, protein and good fats.