JAKARTA, Obesity or overweight is not just a matter of appearance. Moreover, obesity may increase the risk of various diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.
To live more healthy, obese individuals should attempt to lose weight. Weight loss can be done by eating a nutritionally balanced taste, reduce fatty foods and regular physical activity.
However, for some people with obesity, undergoing a healthy diet and exercise has never impervious to lose weight significantly. Overcoming it, bariatric surgery may be an option obese individuals who failed diet.
Gastrointestinal surgeon, Errawan Wiradisuria, disclose, bariatric surgery is the most widely performed laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG).
"" LSG's operations the most simple and secure, by cutting the stomach of the patient. So, if he already sports, baseball has been dieting all sorts of down-down weight, we could do the surgery, ' "said Errawan in discussions at Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta, Tuesday (07/06/2016).
This operation will cut the stomach to only 25 percent. With a smaller stomach size, patients will automatically mengasup less food for full faster.
Errawan told, there are patients who weigh 148 kg has dropped to 85 kg after surgery LSG.
"" Within 12 months, the weight can be decreased as much as 50-80 percent, '' said Errawan.
This operation uses techniques laparoscopic or minimally invasive surgery. Cutting the hull was not done by cutting open the abdomen, but only make a small hole in the abdomen. The surgeon will make a 3-5 hole in the patient's stomach.
The surgeon uses a stapler, which is a tool used for cutting as well sew or glue with a titanium hull. The rest of the hull that is not used will be issued in one of the small holes.
"" So, one of the holes will be brought up to a size of about 5 cm in order to get the rest of the stomach, ' "said the doctor who practices at Digestive Clinic Hospital Kebon Jeruk Siloam this.
Operation takes about three hours, starting from preparation to completion. With the lack of incision in the abdomen, the patient had been able to return home five days later after surgery.
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